Monday 22 April 2013

Eval Q3

What have you LEARNED from audience feedback?

Trailer Feedback:

From this feedback, I cut down the scene of the hand coming out of the bin. I switched a few shots around so that the trailer seemed smoother and connected. Because of this, the music no longer matched so I had to change the loops of the beat again so that the beat matched transitions in the trailer.

Front Cover:

From this feedback, I kept the layout the same but made slight adjustments to the position of certain elements. I moved the "Sky" logo to be in line with the rest of the strap line. I also rearranged the images and put them in one box in a different colour. I also increased the size of the main picture.



I was told to remove the background image as it was secondary and to change the purple tape as it was pixelated as well as change the font.



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