Thursday 25 April 2013

Eval Q4

I used this when looping the music for my trailer, it repeated parts of the instrumental and certain lyrics in the right places.

I used this when making my magazine and billboard. I used certain effects and filters and changed lighting and positions of the characters.

This was the software I used to edit together my trailer. I inserted both clips and audio and cropped it accordingly.

This software helped me create my billboard and magazine front cover, it helped me add the finishing touches such as contents and strap line.

This is where all of my coursework is, including this.

This is the programme I made my 1st eval question.

This website was used to upload my trailer(s)

These were used to film the soap and to also take pictures of everyone in our group for the billboard and magazine cover.

Green Screen:
This was used so that we could take out and replace the background later on for the billboard and magazine cover.

Eval Q1 was put in there.

Used this website for feedback and to communicate with teachers when out filming.

Eval Q1

Monday 22 April 2013

Eval Q3

What have you LEARNED from audience feedback?

Trailer Feedback:

From this feedback, I cut down the scene of the hand coming out of the bin. I switched a few shots around so that the trailer seemed smoother and connected. Because of this, the music no longer matched so I had to change the loops of the beat again so that the beat matched transitions in the trailer.

Front Cover:

From this feedback, I kept the layout the same but made slight adjustments to the position of certain elements. I moved the "Sky" logo to be in line with the rest of the strap line. I also rearranged the images and put them in one box in a different colour. I also increased the size of the main picture.



I was told to remove the background image as it was secondary and to change the purple tape as it was pixelated as well as change the font.



Eval Q2

How effective is the COMBINATION of your main and ancillary texts?


Front Cover:


My 3 ancillaries are connected because they have the same branding of E4, whether it is the logo or information saying when it is on. They all contain the same characters which is conveyed more due to the same costumes being worn. Also, the captions on my front cover and poster connote lies and cheating to tie them together. 
The genre of my soap is Social Realism. These texts that I produced show that due to the costumes which look like regular clothes, not expensive suits and dresses. The location in the background of my poster shows part of Manchester, in just the street, not a club or bar full of fancy and expensive drinks and meals. 

My Front Cover matches the genre of magazine because I used and developed on codes and conventions on these covers of "TV & Satellite Week". I used similar photography as the "Upstairs, Downstairs" cover and the 3 picture box on the "Doctor Who" cover. I also used a similar layout to both as opposed to the "organised chaos" or "trashy" look of other soap magazines such as "Inside Soap".

Thursday 18 April 2013

Billboard Re-Draft

Re Draft of The billboard for my soap "Kings Grove"

TV Weekly Re-Drafrt

This is the Re Draft of my TV Weekly Magazine.

I took influence from TV & Satellite magazine, one featuring "Doctor Who" from April 2011...

And one featuring "Upstairs, Downstairs" from February 2012.

Monday 17 December 2012

Front Cover Development - Publisher


On Publisher, I inserted the image (which had a transparent background) onto a Pink coloured document. I then added different pictures and text boxes on top of it. As well as a bar code, I included things such as a website and date.