Thursday 15 November 2012

Hollyoaks Notes

Media Notes
• Nikon sponcering Hollyoaks, promotion for their camera for teens to buy.
• 2 shot – “Paul” dominates the frame. Inside a house. Lighting – window light shining through. “Mercedes” negative body language, hair covering face, looking down, softer focus.
• Estab. Shot, kitchen. “Mercedes” again, continued story. Dominating foreground with “Jackie” in the background. Lighting changed again, artificial.
• “Paul” watching “Mercedes” and “Riley”. Proving the point of obsession. Music sounds like heartbeat – creates tension.
• Office. “Jackie” in an office (blinds, desk etc...) sneaking around, crawling, looking for something. Editing is letting us know whats happening, find something in desk. MCU reaction shot.
• ECU of phone showing 5 missed calls from “Jackie”. Over the shoulder shot.
• 2 shot. “Paul” dominates the shot again, he is above “Mercedes” in the shot. Can’t see much of her face, vulnerable.
• “it’s Mercy, she is in danger!” in a hospital, leaving. Cuts to next shot
• “Jackie” runs towards a door, behind the door “Paul” and “Mercedes” possibly being murdered. Cliffhanger

  • Music is non diegetic and sounds like a heartbeat. increases tension and adds to the atmosphere of the scene(s).
  • fast editing shows the show for the next few weeks within a few seconds.
  • ends on a cliffhanger to draw in more viewers.
Trailer focuses on 1 storyline, even though multiple things will be happening.

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