Monday 17 December 2012

Front Cover Development - Publisher


On Publisher, I inserted the image (which had a transparent background) onto a Pink coloured document. I then added different pictures and text boxes on top of it. As well as a bar code, I included things such as a website and date.

Front Cover Development - Photoshop


In Photoshop, I adjusted the lighting and selected the image and took it off the green screen. Then I put it in Publisher.


Poster Development - Photoshop


In Photoshop, I used the selector tool and dragged one image onto another. Then I did that again with the people onto an image of Manchester. Then I put it into Publisher to add the E4 designs.

Poster Development - Publisher


In publisher, I added on the E4 logo and tape by inserting them in. Then with the "Set Transparent Colour" tool (highlighted red). I set the white background transparent so it looks like it was placed over. Same was done with the E4 logo. Finally, I added on the Text. "Rockwell" font.


In Manchester, filming our soap.

Location for the Cafe scene. Later not used due to bad footage.

Final Products - Kings Grove

Kings Grove on E4

Trailer - Kings Grove

Magazine Cover - TV Weekly

Poster - Kings Grove

E4 Title card

Purple Tape. This is where the programme information goes. e.g.- Name, time of broadcast.

E4 Logo

Rejected Images - Poster

Lighting is too dark and the pose doesn't make the storyline clear.

Lighting again not right, too bright and also, the stars are too far apart.

Stars are laughing.

Stars hair covers face too much and other star is smiling.

Facial expression isn't right.

Rejected Images - Magazine

Too much room above stars head.

Facial expression doesn't match the tone of soap.

Stars too far apart and lighting isn't right.

lighting is too bright on star faces.

Poster Plan

Plan for the poster.

Magazine Plan

Plan for my magazine cover

Trailer - Final

Final draft of Trailer.
I changed the trailer according to the feedback I was given on my last draft of the soap trailer.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Trailer Music

Music I used in My trailer. My song called "Hear Them Calling". A dark beat with lyrics that are relevant.

Friday 14 December 2012

Soap Trailer 2nd Draft

This is my 2nd draft at the trailer. I had to change the pitch of the music so that YouTube wouldn't remove the audio again like it did with the 1st draft.